Mrs Walker

Class Teacher 

Mrs Henshall

Class Teacher 

Miss Murphy

Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Summer Term!

This half term, we are very excited for our class residential. We will also take part in swimming lessons and drums. Alongside all of this, we also have our engaging curriculum to look forward to, with lots of hands on learning opportunities.

PE – Wednesday

Swimming – Friday


Year 4 Curriculum

Below are the curriculum flyers for each half term detailing what we will be learning about in each subject. This will help to give you an overview of what your child is learning and what you can support them with at home. Curriculum flyers will be added half termly.

Year 4 Summer 1 Curriculum Flyer 2024

Year 4 Autumn 2 Curriculum Flyer 2023

Year 4 Autumn 1 Curriculum Flyer 2023

Year 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Flyer 2024

Year 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Flyer 2024



Please support your child to ‘Strive for 5’ by listening and encouraging your child to read five times a week. This can be either the book that they bring home with them from school, or another reading material they have access to at home. Please make sure that you fill in their reading record when you have listened to them reading as this will be logged each week and counted towards their ‘100 reads’. When this is achieved they will get to choose a book during celebration assembly as a well done for taking responsibility for their reading.


Spellings will be sent home weekly to be learnt by the following week. We will have daily spellings sessions in class. It is important that your child does this homework in order to keep up with the sessions we are providing.


Mrs Henshall will set homework on a Friday that is due in the following Wednesday. This is set via Google Classroom. Login details for Google Classroom can be found in your child’s reading log.


Year 4 Multiplication Check 

In year 4, the children will take part in a multiplication check. The expectation is that all children in Year 4 should know all of their times tables by the end of the academic year. The multiplication check is an online test were the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question they have 6 seconds to answer. This takes place in June. With this in mind, we will have a huge focus on times tables. We encourage you to support you children at home with their timetables.



PE will take place on Wednesdays. Children should come to school on their PE days in their white PE t-shirt, their school jumper/cardigan and either plain black leggings or plain black jogging bottoms (these can be purchased from local supermarkets and should not be branded).

In Summer term, swimming will take place on a Friday. Children will need to bring in their swimming costume/trunks and a towel in a bag on this day.


Children should remember to bring their reading records to school daily.


Children should bring a water bottle daily, this will be sent home at the end of the day to be washed.


Useful websites

The majority of communications between school and parents will be sent by email. Please ensure that you check this regularly.

Accelerated Reader

Doodle Learning (maths, English and times tables)


If you have any questions, feel free to make an appointment or email us directly. 

Mrs Henshall –

Mrs Walker –


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @TheOaksCPCedar to get frequent updates about what we have been doing in class.